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Norway - May, 2004
A cruise along the Norwegian coast on a coastal ferryboat.

IMG_0437 Our hotel room was very special. IMG_0438 The view from our hotel room. IMG_0459 Leaving the Bergen harbor. IMG_0475 We sailed through the beautiful countryside. IMG_0488 The fjords were really narrow. IMG_0491 Waterfalls were everywhere. IMG_0494 And in all shapes... IMG_0496 And sizes... IMG_0497 The cliffs towered over the ship. IMG_0499 A little fjord resort town. IMG_0513 The waters were calm and reflected the scenery. IMG_0517 We spent a lot of time lounging and watching the coastline go by. IMG_0525 One of the many small towns where the Polarlys stopped. IMG_0530 A happy traveller. IMG_0537 Most of the places we stopped made their living from the sea. IMG_0551 Racks covered with drying fish. IMG_0556 As we got further north, the weather turned a bit more threatening. IMG_0568 A fishing village. IMG_0569 Fishing boats with the Polarlys (our ship) in the background. IMG_0570 The Polarlys loading and unloading cargo. IMG_0571 Just a pretty picture.  Notice how clear the water is. IMG_0574 Boating and fishing gear was everywhere. IMG_0574a Nets and floats. IMG_0591a I stayed up until midnight just to get this picture. IMG_0598 Nordkapp.  The northernmost point in Europe.  It was still winter up there. IMG_0607 Adele, a Lapp, and his reindeer. IMG_0608 Probably the narrowest fjord of all. IMG_0611 Oh look, a waterfall! IMG_0619 We were less than 20 feet from the sides of the fjord. IMG_0639 Back to Bergen.  A view from the hill. IMG_0643 Our ship, waiting for some new passengers. IMG_0645 Bergen has a beautiful harbor. IMG_0648 Old buildings in old Bryggen. IMG_0652 The red building in the center is our hotel. IMG_0655 We took a nice funicular ride to the top. IMG_0661 Adele is happy because the funicular does not get off the ground. IMG_0678 Norwegian navy sailing vessel. IMG_0681 Our hotel from across the bay. IMG_0682 The old Bryggen waterfront. IMG_0683 The buildings were pretty, but not quite level. IMG_0687 A alleyway between the tipsy buildings. IMG_0692 Another alleyway. IMG_0696 A last look at old Bryggen.